Life stories are like life itself,
they explain the past,
describe the present and
imagine the future.
In today's electronic age, we are really overflooded with information. The supposedly interesting one are picked out for us and make it to the front pages of newspapers and online portals. The own one we share as text messages, pictures or even video message with friends, acquaintances or even the whole world.
Therefore, they are hardly known any more by us, the storyteller!
In recent days, we met them around campfires and on marketplaces. Much-traveled, sometimes mysterious women and men. That, what they carry with them, were stories and legends of the nearby but also distant places. Their stories, packaged in magical words, attracted everyone in its spell, who opens ear and heart.
They were the correspondent and entertainers during a time in which fantasy and reality blurred into each other.
This forgotten tradition we would like to revive and connect it on our virtual Agora to the electronic age. As a podium for each of you. Take the chance and portray under the slogan "European Encounters" your personal experiences with other Europeans in your country and abroad.
Whether in written form (please only .doc files), spoken and / or even a video, no matter what language you use, we publish your personal European episode.
However, it would be beneficial, if we could directly enclose an English translation or a summary in English.
Would also be phenomenal if we could present all articles in all European languages. For this reason, a huge request to all who are capable. Take one or the other story and translate it into any other European language. Please inform us in advance about your planned interests, so that potential will be used wise.
In advance many thanks to all the enthusiastic storytellers, eloquent translators and of course to the excited audience.
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