Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intelligor ulli. - Ovid

Here I am a barbarian, because nobody understands me. 



Call of help and support


As it would be graet to offer every EU-citizen the possibility to follow at least the main subjects of the fairstep homepage in their own language, we need to have the translation for it.


Beside English and German, several people under the directive of PerMondo and through Translators without Borders have already translated our homepage into the marked languages shown in the below overview.


Who in Europe is now able and willing to help us and the citizen of his country?

Who may translate the fairstep homepage professionally from German into his own language?


Please contact us on


Deep thanks in advance to every hand who will help us.



     Languages and countries:

Status Language Country
български Bulgaria
český Czech Republic
dansk Denmark
deutsch Germany, Austria, Luxembourg
  eesti Estonia
ελληνικά Greece, Cyprus
english Great Britain, Ireland, Malta
español Spain
français France, Belgium, Luxembourg
  gaeilge Ireland
  hrvatski Croatia
italiano Italy
  latvijas Latvia
lietuvių Lithuania
magyar Hungary
  malti Malta
nederlands Netherlands, Belgium
polski Poland
português Portugal
română Romania
slovenščina Slovenia
slovenský Slovakia
suomeksi Finland
svenska Sweden




Closeness creates understanding -

Distance causes misunderstanding!

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